Mid-Sussex Campaign
for Services Before Houses

15,000 MORE HOMES planned for Mid Sussex - on top of 16,000 already approved!

GP Crisis

Doctors surgeries cannot cope with new housing development. Ambulance wait-times at record levels.

Insufficient School Places

School places are under severe pressure as a result of thousands of new homes.

Water Supply Failing

No investment in the Sussex water network means hosepipe bans and sewage in the sea.

Jammed Roads

Roads are clogged with traffic from new housing development.

Less Trains
at Higher Prices

Public transport provision in Mid Sussex has reduced (despite new home plans relying on its use.)

The Stats

Doctors Overloaded There is now 1 GP to serve 2,000 people in Mid Sussex.
It can take weeks to get a routine appointment in areas such as Haywards Heath
Mid Sussex is among the worst in country for provision. [BBC News]
Hospitals Crushed Over 100,000 people waiting for hospital treatment in Sussex.
Sussex has some of the longest waiting times in the country say Nuffield study. [Nuffield Trust]
Water Runing Out Water shortages and hosepipe bans are regular events in Mid Sussex.
Sewage is regularly discharged onto family beaches .
[Sussex Express]   [Guardian]   [Sussex Live]  
Less Public Transport       20% reduction in train services and a net reduction in bus provision.

Councils blame Central Government targets

The UK Government - the Conservative administration - has set aggressive house building targets for Mid-Sussex. At the same time the investment in local services has reduced.

New housing has put massive pressure on local doctors, roads, schools and hospitals. Local services are now at breaking point and it is local families who are suffering as a result.

Many people support the provision of affordable housing for communities. But this cannot continue while local services are diminished to the point of catastrophic failure.

Local Councillors - including Conservative Councillors - say they are powerless to act in the face of national targets set by central Government.

We think it is time for Local Councillors to take a stand.


Unelected officers at Mid-Sussex Council want to allocate land for more than 15,000 additional homes in Mid Sussex with no corresponding plan to increase services.
They say we must do this to meet UK Government targets that are imposed by the Conservative Secretary of State for Housing.

We ask all Mid Sussex Councillors to commit to vote against this excessive development
until our Council secures sufficient investment in our local services.

We also want to see our Council stand up to the UK National Government and the powerful Housing Lobby
so that the housing target for Mid Sussex is reduced to a level that is sustainable.

We note that Conservative Councillors in Hertfordshire refused to adopt national targets because they
did not have the support of the local community. We see no reason why elected Concillors in Mid Sussex cannot do the same.

To join our campaign please email: info@servicesbeforehouses.org